Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rascal Flatts

So it's just a typical Wednesday, get up work out, go to work, and go to dance. I get a text from my friend Kylie asking me for a business proposition. She asks me to go to the Rascal Flatts concert tomorrow night and be one of their dancers as their performing! Who is going to give up that opportunity? Not me! We got to the ESA and got introduced to the Productions Manger, who was so nice! We got to see where we will be dancing, it was a spiral staircase and we were going to be silhouettes dancing. We were on the stairs in a big cylinder type thing with a bunch of different colors in the background and to the audiences perspective it looked like silhouettes just dancing to their music. I can not believe how much fun I had, we danced the whole concert so it was not only the time of my life but a great workout too. We got to meet the band before they performed and they were SO NICE! It was a great experience and I will never forget it.


Adiel | Rose Gold Lining said...

That is way awesome!

Lonni said...

How cool is that!!! seriously that is AWESOME!!!

Momberger said...

Holy cow, thats awesome! Way to go!

ShaiLynn said...

Fun! I'm jealous :)